ProgramThe conference The 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI2017) aims to bring researchers and practitioners up-to-date on recent developments and trends in the field of inattention and distraction in driving. Abstracts for papers and presentations are now invited from those who wish to present and discuss current research, mitigation challenges, the latest policy developments, and priorities for research and countermeasure development. The conference abstract topics for DDI2017 include theory, measurement, effects, crash risks, and prevention/mitigation related to driver distraction and inattention. Abstracts concerned with new forms of transport mobility (e.g. autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, etc.), other road user groups (e.g. motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.), new modes of HMI interaction (e.g. voice recognition, I-watches, gesturing, etc.), new sources of distraction from outside the vehicle (e.g. advertising on moving trucks, bus shelters, mobile trailers, etc.), and sources of distraction in domains other than transport (e.g. aviation, medicine, process control, etc.) are especially encouraged. The conference features keynote speakers, plenary and parallel sessions and special symposium. The conference will run over three days, March 20‐22, 2017
Keynote speakers
Associate Professor in the Psychology Department and the Brain Research Centre at the University of British Columbia. Her work on the functions of the anterior prefrontal cortex (PFC) has linked this part of the brain to the uniquely human mental processes of introspection and meta-awareness. Dr. Christoff’s most recent work focuses on examining spontaneous forms of thought, such as memories and thought streams occuring in the form of mind wandering. She is also interested in examining meditation-based thought phenomena such as mindfulness, and developing clinical applications for fMRI using real-time fMRI feedback to train modulation of activation in specific brain regions. http://psych.ubc.ca/persons/kalina-christoff/
René Amalberti:
Senior Adviser Patient Safety at the Haute Autorité de Santé and risk manager in a medical insurance (MACSF), Paris, France. He pioneered in the mid 80’s the concepts of human error, ecological safety, crew resource management, and system safety. In late 1992, he was detached from the military to the European Joint Aviation Authorities (JAA) and became the first Chief Human factors and Flight safety of the JAA, then occupied a series of managerial positions in European and French research programs and administration (Land transport, Industrial and Environmental risks). In the late 90’s, he moved his research on patient safety, system approach and resilience. He has published over 100 international papers, chapters, and authored or co-authored 10 books (last book: Navigating safety, Springer, 2013).
Chief-Scientist-Human Factors at ARRB Group and Adjunct professor with the School of Aviation at the University of NSW (Sydney) is an applied experimental psychologist, with more than 20 years experience in transportation human factors and ergonomic research and practice. Mike's current research interests include driver distraction and inattention, human interaction with intelligent transport systems, naturalistic driving studies, field operational testing of advanced driver assistance systems, driver interaction with electric vehicles, young driver and passenger training and human-in-the-loop simulation. He is the author and co-author of more than 200 published documents, including the first book on driver distraction, and sits on the Editorial Boards of 5 peer-reviewed journals, including Human Factors.
Plenary and special Sessions will also address the following topics:
The final program is now available ! Final Programme