Welcome to the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention
Meeting the Challenges of
New Technology and Automation
March 20-22, 2017
Paris, France
Proceedings online!
Next DDI: October 15-17, 2018, Gothenburg, Sweden!
me to the 5th International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention (DDI2017). DDI2017 will be held in Paris, France, on March 20-22, 2017, and follows the four highly successful DDI Conferences held previously in Gothenburg, Sweden (2009, 2011, 2013), and Sydney, Australia (2015).
The International Conference on Driver Distraction and Inattention aims to bring participants up-to-date on recent developments and trends in the field of inattention and distraction in driving, and to bring together researchers and practitioners. Participants will be invited to present and discuss current work covering basic and applied research, mitigation challenges, the latest policy developments, and priorities for research and countermeasures development.
DDI2017 conference topics include theory, measurement, effects, crash risks, and prevention/mitigation related to driver distraction and inattention. Presentations taking into account new forms of mobility (e.g. autonomous vehicles, electric vehicles, soft modes of transport, etc.), other road user groups (e.g. motorcyclists, bicyclists, pedestrians, etc.), new modes of HMI interaction (e.g. voice recognition, I-watches, gesturing, etc.), new sources of distraction from outside the vehicle (e.g. advertising on moving trucks, bus shelters, mobile trailers, etc.), and sources of distraction in domains other than transport (e.g. aviation, medicine, process control, etc.) are especially encouraged.
The conference features keynote speakers, plenary and parallel sessions and special symposia.
After the success of DDI2015, organised in Australia, the conference returns to Europe in 2017. DDI2017 will be run in March (instead of September) to make it possible to run the 6th conference in the series in September 2018. Subsequent conferences in the DDI series will from then on be organized every even year.
DDI2017 is hosted and co-organised by IFSTTAR (French Institute of Science and Technology for Transport, Development and Networks), SAFER (Vehicle and Traffic Safety Center at Chalmers, Sweden), and the ARRB Group (the Australian Road Research Board).
We are pleased to welcome you to this important international road safety event